night swimming


jenny invited us to a cuban-themed pool party today called havana good time—boys, too. what a perfect way to show off their cabana gear, right?! well, after brunch and a tour through some $2million+ condos, which i’ll tell you all about tomorrow, the boys sort of melted down and we didn’t get to go. instead, they napped in their cabana gear. can we get a raincheck on those mojitos, jenny?

after their naps, they were quite refreshed so we loaded them up and fed them dinner down at our pool. the outfits weren’t wasted after all! tripper took them for their first dip—only up to their toes, but still quite exciting!




nanny jackie!


meet nanny jackie, the newest member of our family! she is coming to help us out with max and alex once i go back to work. they seem to really like her. i do, too! she has a knack with the kids, plus she’s got a great jamaican accent—i hope the boys learn to say hey mon the right way!

where did the time go?

today is my last official day of maternity leave. where did the time go? i’m excited to start back to work on tuesday, but also feeling quite sad. honestly, this surprises me a little. i’ve always been a career girl and going back to work was never a question—but the boys are smiling now, and cooing, and playing, and looking so cute that i just don’t want to miss a minute. i am working from home, so it’s not like they’ll be far from me, and our nanny, jackie, has promised to yell for me if they do anything new. still, i can’t help but feel sad. time is moving on. they’re growing big and strong and soon won’t be tiny little newborns any more. i know once i get into the routine, things will be great. i love my job and have missed it. but i love those boys more!

anyway, i’m determined to have it all. stay tuned!

turn to the right

so, last week when we were at my parents’ house my mum mentioned that she thought alex looked to the right a lot. i brushed it off. then tripper and i started noticing that she was right—he does tend to lie on his right ear at night and he does look to the right most of the time. yesterday, nanny jackie came over for the first time to get acclimated and she noticed it right away. and now we can see that his face is a little bit flatter on that side. i’m planning to call the pediatrician in the morning to discuss. in the meantime, i’m looking through the blog photos to try to pinpoint exactly when his head stopped being perfectly round. we’re also encouraging him to look left with strategically placed toys and a rolled up towel. poor guy. i hope this is fixable! and, lesson learned—always listen to your mother.

all wound up


both alex and max have really started watching their mobiles lately. alex has always loved to stare at the red bunny, but now he likes to coo and smile and watch all the little animals go round and round. max, too. he particularly likes the striped fawn. both boys seem to get such a kick out of the mobiles now that i’m actually developing a callus on my thumb from all the winding i’m doing! anything to see those smiles, right?

things with feet


yesterday something very exciting happened. the boys graduated into clothes with feet. with feet!! this may not seem like very big news, but trust me, it is. you see, when we first brought the boys home they were so small that none of their little clothes fit—not even the preemie stuff. everything just swam on them. so, they lived out their first few weeks in the tiny little t-shirts given to them by the lovely folks at northside hospital. t-shirts and tiny little diapers.

one day like magic, they could wear their preemie onesies. yay! excited, i tried their other preemie items. nothing but the onesies fit. the things with pants built in were too long. and the things with feet, well forget about it. only the onesies.

onesies have been really good to us. they fit in the torso and there are no leg lengths to worry about. soon they graduated into their newborn onesies and then into the 0-3s. then they could even wear things with pants. but still not things with feet … until yesterday. look how cute!

ps—thank you amy!!


i’ve been tagged! i haven’t been tagged in quite a while (never on this blog, i don’t think), so i’m totally game!! this is a long one, so make sure you’re sitting.

name: holly.
maiden name: same as my middle name. 😉
eye color: blue.
hair color: with help, blonde.
height: 5’2ish”
how would you describe yourself? quirky, southern shop-a-holic. happy wife of tripper. proud new mum of alex and max.
either/or shy or outgoing? more outgoing than shy. i like to talk. a lot.
spender or saver? spender!
truth or dare? dare.
books or movies? unless you count one fish two fish, i’m all movies these days. and only half movies at that.
romantic comedy or action/adventure? romantic comedy.
cats or dogs? dogs.
mountain or beach? grab me a towel, will ya?
sweet or salty? yes, please!
do you…get annoyed easily? lately, yes.
like to travel? i love to travel. i can’t wait for us to take the boys on vacation.
like to drive fast? not really. especially not with the boys in the car.
sing well? i am an awesome singer. *fingers crossed*
have a talent? i’m crafty.
watch scary movies? yes. and then have immediate regrets.
shave your legs everyday? yes i do.
floss regularly? i really should.
get motion sickness? nope.
have you ever…performed on stage? yes, karaoke.
been out of the country? where? yes. i loooove to travel. and tripper and i do it so well. i wonder how that will shake out now that we have the boys in tow. anyway, we’ve been to london, paris, barcelona, sitges, roma, naples, positano, bermuda. this is the first summer we haven’t left the country in a long time. but what we did this summer was way better! 😉
had any body hair waxed? just eyebrows.
lied about your age? of course!
used a fake id? once. in college. i got caught.
got a speeding ticket? nope. i’m a slow poke.
what is…the last cd you bought? wow. i don’t think i’ve bought a cd in at least a decade. i did just buy sweet caroline off itunes so the boys and i could have a sing-a-long.
the last movie you saw in the theater? um, i think it was helvetica, the documentary.
the last movie you rented? the other boleyn girl. it was ok.
your greatest fear? something bad happening to alex or max.
your greatest strength? family.
your greatest weakness? i have a hard time saying no.
your happiest memory? i’m fortunate to have a lot—the birth of the twinks, the day tripper told me i was pregnant, tripper at our wedding, the punting of the chocolate. and from way back—running with pipe smoke in a box, driving past the wonder bread factor on dad’s lap, tea with mrs. beasley, learning to drive a stick shift with dad.
your favorite…movie: when harry met sally
tv show: the office, lost.
actor: not really.
actress: not really.
food: anything with cheese and tomatoes.
drink: lemonade.
color: green
scent: tripper always smells nice. also leather.
day of the week and why: saturday.
favorite stores: etsy, b. braithwaite, anthropologie.
quote: i’ll have to think about this one.
zodiac: leo
war: i prefer love.
ghosts: yes.
reincarnation: i think about it.
karma: yes.
luck: yes.
aliens: in the movies.
tell us one of your most embarrassing moments: ok. it was like my 2nd or so day at the washington post. i came beebopping in and my boss yelled from clear across the crowded newsroom, “hey holly—you gotta sec?” to which i yelled back, “howard, i have lots of secs!” it wasn’t until the room exploded with laughter that i realized what i had said.

tag, you’re it.


1. link the person who tagged you… a squared e’s mum
2. post these rules.
3. tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking to them. (sorry if you’ve been tagged already. you’re just that popular!!!)

tracy, nicole, kim, matt, jo, and dooce.


i can’t find the battery charger for my camera. i had it at my parents’ house, but now it’s nowhere. without it i can’t upload any pictures. 😦 i’m going to keep looking for it, but i’ve turned the house upside down and haven’t seen hide nor hair of it. i’m afraid i may have thrown it away. boo.