happy halloween!


even though we didn’t get to go out trick or treating this year—too cold and damp—the boys had a great time parading around our building.




they got to ring a few doorbells in the building and saw quite a few people all dressed up. we have no idea who these people are, but they were happy enough to pose with our cuddle bears …


let’s see, from left to right we have a sugar daddy, max the bear, cleopatra, a captain, popeye, a very tired daddy and alex the bear. fun!

happy halloween, everyone! don’t eat too much candy!

saturday morning breakfast

every saturday morning, tripper and i walk the boys to get breakfast at starbucks. we each get a piping hot coffee and the boys get a banana and some kind of special treat—their favorites are the pumpkin bread and the lemon loaf.

this morning we decided not to go. one, the boys are still under the weather, and two, the weather itself. it’s another crappy day here in the peach state—unless you’re a duck, of course.

so instead i ran out while tripper watched the boys and got starbucks to go. to make it special, we ate breakfast at the play table. they had fun.

if you listen closely, you can totally hear alex say banana—sounds like uh-nah-nuh. it’s quite quiet and quick but you can hear it!

after breakfast, they decided to climb. i guess alex was still hungry because he climbed up to the used-to-be-safe-and-up-high-enough spot where we stashed the snacks. we’ll be looking for a new spot soon.


men at work

every day since the beginning of june we have had construction crews on scaffolding hanging from our building. the noise has been loud enough to rattle your teeth and it’s been so hard to concentrate working from home. well, things are finally about to wrap up on their little project (tearing up and reinforcing every single balcony on the building). i’ll miss them in a way—and i know the boys will too—waving as they go by our windows three or four times each way every day, providing cokes and granola bars and having quick little chats. it was almost as if i’d had some co-workers here!

so, as we saw them on their way down for lunch today, tripper had a brilliant idea. “grab the camera, holly!”


a handshake. 17 floors up. one man on the balcony. one man dangling from the building. wow. congratulations on a job well done, guys! we will miss you! though i must confess, we will not miss your jackhammers—at all.

sick of the sick


i took max to the pediatrician yesterday because it just didn’t seem possible that such a little guy could produce that amount of snot. i’m glad i did. poor little bug has another severe ear infection on top of his cold. he’s on an antibiotic—again—and we’re to go back in 10 days for a checkup.

alex started showing signs of a cold as well (i’m making an appointment for him tomorrow morning just to make sure his ears aren’t infected, too) and tripper looks like he’s been through the wringer—sneezing, cough, body aches, fever.

i’m hanging tough, though the back of my throat is feeling a bit funny and my ears are hurting. are ear infections contagious?

breast cancer 3-day walk


on our way back from getting coffee this morning, we became surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of walkers in pink—the 3-day walk benefitting susan g. koman for the cure had reached our neighborhood! the boys enjoyed supporting all these people. hard to believe breast cancer has touched them all in some way. god bless each and every one and here’s hoping for a cure.

after midnight


boy, we just can’t seem to catch a break. last weekend it was alex with his sky-high fever, this weekend it’s max with a nasty little cold. poor kiddo was up and down all night not being able to breathe. not even the humidifier and the suction bulb were a match for what he’s got—watery eyes, sneezing and lots of snot. at least it’s clear snot.

this morning alex started sneezing, too. oh joy.